welcome to my little corner of the universe. Sorry it's so messy here; let me clean up! Anyway, this is just the index page. A gateway, if you will, to my school projects. So! Let's get to it.

Project 1: Panchito Pistoles in the Broken Coffee Machine

How to Read: Panchito Pistoles is an interactive webcomic in which chronological order does not exist. That being said, exploring what you click on first can affect some routes. After a simple format comic introduction, readers will get to choose which story to view first via the image character map below by clicking on the colored character of choice or by clicking the phrase "mama" or the arrow to advance without "interrogation". I would suggest exploring the tabs above "Character info", "Credit", "About" before or after your reading begins. DO NOT explore these tabs if you are engaged in the story already, that will reset your choices. The "Mama" link will lead you to the only comic that opens in a new window, as it does not affect the routes. The others, however, I'd suggest not opening new tabs for. Just click and enjoy. It is suggested to view the comics themselves at a 50% view window setting (I messed up the size). All you have to do to continue the story is to click the image or anywhere else on the webpage, really. You cannot go back a page, so be sure to read fully before clicking. The comics work in a continuous loop, but the end of each story is signified by a box that reads the word "End." on the bottom right corner. Thank you for checking it out. You're pretty cool. Anyway, enough of my explanations, let's get down to it.
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Project 2: Happy Life Home

How to Read: Happy Life Home is a Twine story created as a response to Ray Bradbury's The Veldt. While it is not necessary to read Bradbury's short story to understand or follow Happy Life Home, I'd recommend reading it on your free time. Unfortunately, I have not been able to complete this Twine story so the choices made are more supplementary than impacting and there really is only one route so far. To advance the story, all you must do is click on the blue underlined words. The order does not matter if there are more than one option presented, although you might miss some dialogue based on your choice. There are times where words do not appear for a moment so you must wait for the text to appear for you to continue. There is a back button presented on the screen but I do not recommend using it, as no paths lead to a dead-end. If anything, for now, take this story as a sample since I will be working on more routes in the future. Please be patient and thank you for your time.
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Project 3: Henry Paige's Journal Archive

How to Read: Henry Paige's Journal Arcive is a project entirely based on my original idea. It's based on a storyline I'm creating that focuses on a magical world and culturally-diverse creatures. Henry Paige is a minor character, but a great way to introduce the world-building. Since it's a sort of semi-introduction to the world I created, there's also some private entries hidden within the “pages”. The journal entries are linked to each other and once the reader finds the end point, there will be a key that shows all the entries I wrote so you can know if you've visited them all. Links that infer a different study takes you directly to that study while links that hint at images pop up in a separate tab. Some entries are hidden in the black background and can be revealed by highlighting the texts. The first page the reader is direct toworks as a tutorial for this function! Once you find Henry’s Diary Log, which is an account of personal experiences he had separate from his studies and always accessible in each study page--nothing’s hidden in text (to save you from highlighting) and the end is near (in case you want to explore on your own and not get to the key). Since this story is in its early stages, you will most likely end up at a dead-end. I have put a Home button on most of the pages to lead you back to the Hello explorers! page in case you want to. Explore, read, and enjoy!

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All credit for the following projects are listed here

semester's almost over

img drawn by me

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.